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Virtual Outings, Anyone?!

Hello all! Like many of you, my kids and I are stuck at home with no school because of the COVID-19 pandemic. To keep our minds active and cabin fever at bay, we’ve decided to go on a “Virtual Outing” each day we’re out of school. Please, join us!

This is what they will look like:

EXPLORE: First, I’ll provide a link to a website, video, or other interactive on-line resource to explore some place exciting. We might visit a museum, arboretum, historical site, poop-themed amusement park, who knows. If you have somewhere you’d like to go, leave me a note in the comments, via Facebook, or by email.

DISCUSS: I’ll provide some prompts for families exploring the site/video/etc. that encourage

curiosity, critical thinking, and connecting the content to your lives.

DO: I’ll include links to at least one hands-on activity that you can do at home with common household materials. I’ll try to include projects that integrate a variety of academic topics and skills including math, reading, writing, science, history, art, etc.

SHARE: Please, share what you make and discuss with us in the comments below, via Facebook , or by email!

Our first adventure will be Monday, March 16 to the New York Hall of Science!

P.S. If you’re an educator/interpreter from a cool site and want to help create a Virtual Outing, please be in touch.

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