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Outing #17: Feeling Animated

Studio Ghibli Musem, Tokyo, Japan


To continue our week of Art & Imagination, the Adventure Whales swam across the Pacific to the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo, Japan. For those of you who don't know Studio Ghibli, it is the famous animation studio that produces beautiful children's movies such as My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away.

The kids were so excited to go there, but unfortunately the museum website is pretty spare and there are almost no photos online showing the inside of the museum. It is supposed to be fabulous in person, though.

So, to get in the mood, I suggest watching the trailer for Spirited Away. Then, watch one of these short, amateur documentaries about Studio Ghibli’s creator, Hayao Miyazaki:


  • What do you think inspired the stories and characters of Miyazaki's films?

  • What are some of your favorite animated films? Why do you love them?

  • If you were going to make your own animated movie, what would it be about?


Learn how animators bring drawings to life and make your own computer animations using these classic OMSI animation activities.

Then, join another famous artist and animator, Mo Willams, to illustrate your own two-drawing animation using just paper and a pencil.


Show us your drawings and animations in the comments below, via Facebook, or by email!

Image credit: Created by Eli Kellett using PicsArt

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